OPTOS Retinal Exam
Annual eye exams are vital to maintaining your vision and overall health. We offer the optomap® Retinal Exam as an important part of our eye exams. The optomap® Retinal Exam produces an image that is as unique as you fingerprint and provides us with a wide view to look at the health of your retina. The retina is the part of your eye that captures the image of what you are looking at, similar to film in a camera.
Many eye problems can develop without you knowing. You may not even notice any change in your sight. But, diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, and other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be seen with a thorough exam of the retina.
An optomap Retinal Exam provides:
- A scan to show a healthy eye or detect disease.
- A view of the retina, giving your doctor a more detailed view than he/she can get by other means.
- The opportunity for you to view and discuss the optomap image of your eye with your doctor at the time of your exam.
- A permanent record for your file, which allows us to view your images each year to look for changes.
The optomap Retinal Exam is fast, easy, and comfortable for all ages. To have the exam, you simply look into the device one eye at a time and you will see a comfortable flash of light to let you know the image of your retina has been taken. The optomap image is shown immediately on a computer screen so we can review it with you.
Daytona Optomap—Retinal Imaging
For many eye care patients, having pupils dilated (opened up) using eye drops can be a bother. But as an integral part of a truly comprehensive eye exam, those drops are highly recommended. Dilation gives your eye doctor the widest view of the internal structures at the back of the eye—the optic nerve, retina, even blood vessels.
That’s where Optomap technology comes in. Using low-power laser technology, your eye care professional can take a wide, instantly-viewable and detailed digital scan of your retina (the area responsible for processing images). All in real time. And in no time. Without the use of pupil-dilating eye drops.
How Does Optomap Work?
It’s very similar to sitting down in a type of photo booth and leaning forward to have your picture taken. Except in this instance, the picture being taken is a larger, wide-field image of the inside of your eyeball. optomap takes around a minute.
Since retina scanning is so important in the early detection of cataracts, diabetic eye disease, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and more, it’s pretty easy to see why optomap technology is so promising.
Optomap retinal exams are not available everywhere, however. And in some instances, these scans may not be covered by traditional insurance due to cuts in eye doctor reimbursements.
Check with your eye care professional and ask if an optomap eye exam is right for you.